Sunday, October 8, 2017

Day 8

Total Spent:  $51

Kids:  $51

We let the kids eat hot lunch at school if they see something on the menu they would like.  My daughter's lunch costs $3, and she usually buys lunch twice a week.  It's nice to have some variety in your lunch and not eat a sandwich every day.  We currently put this under "kids" in the budget, but I'm wondering if this should be a separate line item next month.

The rental fee for my daughter's clarinet also came due today. This is a recurring fee and is totally worth the cost.  She really loves to play, so as long as she expresses interest, and practices, we think it's a good investment.

In my last post, I mentioned some items that I haven't discussed on the blog, like items bought for house maintenance earlier in the month.  Those were things that were purchased by my husband, Rob.  When I started this blog, it was to keep me on track with my spending, but to also share how we budget our money.

I made the decision to only post what I have spent.  I'm doing it this way for two reasons.  First, I want to be more accountable and aware of the money I spend.  Sometimes at the end of the day I have no idea what I spent. I hate that feeling.  Second, I don't want my husband to feel like I'm watching every penny he spends, every day.  I know that he is also monitoring his spending, so I trust him to stay in our set budget.

At the end of the month I'm going to do a post on how well we did that month and what changes we are going to make for the following month.  Next month, we'll need to up our "gift" money as we will start buying Christmas presents. We are also traveling for Thanksgiving, so we'll be spending more money on "eating out" as well.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

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Day 8

Total Spent:  $51 Kids:  $51 We let the kids eat hot lunch at school if they see something on the menu they would like.  My daught...